Boo! The Dog Blog

Boo theDog Blog! The adventures of a wonderful and gregarious old ‘rescue’ Golden Retriever.

Our gorgeous Golden Retriever Boo!
Boo – the dog blog is all about our gorgeous golden oldie retriever Boo who is now 15 years old.

Read about our adventures and daily life with our wonderful old ‘rescue’ Golden Retriever Boo.

Our beloved old rescue Golden Retriever Boo, is hairy, often a bit smelly, very slobbery and makes us laugh out loud numerous times every single day. 

Our gorgeous Boo is now an amazing 15-years-old. And, despite his grand age, he remains a loving, loyal, greedy, friendly, forgetful and gregarious old Golden Retriever.

Joys and challenges…

So, this is a blog about the good, bad, challenging and hilarious experiences of sharing our lives with this our very much-loved old ‘rescue’ golden retriever.

You may ask why we have chosen to write a blog now, when he’s in his twilight years?

f course, not wanting to tempt fate, we are conscious that Boo may have a limited time with us here on earth. Therefore, it just feels right that, (before it’s too late), we share his story. 

In addition, we want to explore the fun, frolics and frustrations of being a ‘golden oldie’ owner. And, we want to try to encourage anyone, who may be thinking about it, to adopt an old rescue Golden Retriever too.

On top of, of course, sharing ‘tails’ of our adventures with Boo.

Love our wonderful rescue dog!

We hope we may entertain and inform, challenge and strike up friendly conversations among similar minded people and dog lovers of all kinds.

In addition, we want to pay tribute hard work of those in involved in dog rescue and rehoming.

Of course, we don’t claim to be experts – far from it.

We are just people who love our gorgeous old Golden Retriever Boo!